Multiproject Management Software for Agile Project Management
Agile project management is a dynamic and flexible process and resource planning.
Actually, agile project management is not a single method but a set of methods that can quickly respond to the challenges of unforeseeable projects.
Each of the methods of agile planning includes the following recognized assumptions:
- The value for the customer comes first.
- The project is delivered incrementally by breaking it down into smaller stages.
- Product tests are conducted as early as possible to fix identified issues.
- Roles and responsibilities within the team are assigned solely by the team members.
- The team continuously improves its skills and professionalism.
Multiproject Management Software for Agile Project Management
Agile Project Management and Its Benefits:
- Continuous monitoring of product performance, verification, and validation.
- Frequent demonstration of completed phase results increases the likelihood of customer satisfaction upon final project delivery.
- Ability to detect errors early and intervene quickly for correction.
- Agile planning outperforms traditional planning, especially when launching new products to market.
What is Multiproject Management?
Multiproject management refers to the management of a series of concurrent projects that are carried out independently but share common resources and compete for their possession.
That is, it is a group of projects that are managed in a coherent way to achieve results that are unattainable through separate execution. Multiproject management is a special form of project management that is suitable for companies that regularly carry out a large number of projects simultaneously. The objectives of multiproject management are compiled from the goals of ongoing projects, and the life cycle of a multiproject has no well-defined temporal transitions between phases and is determined by the progress of all projects.
What is the difference between Multiproject Management Software and Project Management Software?
Modern companies are increasingly required to manage not just one but several projects simultaneously, which can be consolidated into a multiproject. In this case, the management of a large number of projects often implies the formation of a higher-level entity that unites concurrently executed projects.
Multiproject management is usually aimed at solving problems of integrating network plans, optimizing shared resource utilization, and coordinating joint activities. In the project management of individual projects, the required project results are defined, and the project process is designed to achieve performance objectives in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. The basis for later project control includes, among other things, answering the question of what weighting the performance, schedule, and cost objectives should have during project implementation.
What is a Project Portfolio?
Project portfolio is not just the management of a series of final projects; it implies a higher level of goal setting and project management. All projects that fall under the project portfolio not only have their specific end goals but also serve to achieve established overarching common goals.
Project portfolios are characterized by the fundamental openness of their life cycle and content. The objectives of the project portfolio are not directive; they do not change and seamlessly extend into the future. They are temporally marked but, after they are achieved, new objectives are set. It can be said that two levels of project management take place here, but only at the upper level, strategic management of further development is applied instead of smooth control.
Project portfolio management is currently applied as a form of strategic management for companies.